Show and Share – February 2019

Lots of great quilts at the February meeting!
Valerie Boode, who will be leading a workshop on English Paper Piecing on March 23, started things off by sharing some of her work:
She also brought samples of the projects workshop participants can make:
Then it was time for Show & Share, starting with Lois’s quilt, which she started in one of Valerie’s workshops:
Anne won the block lotto a few months ago, and made this quilt from the blocks:
Anne’s adorable llamas:
Susan snow-dyed some fabric… and then so much more snow fell that she had to dig it out when it was done!
Jo once mistakenly ended up in an applique class at a retreat, and made this flower which she doesn’t like, but she brought it as an example of faced binding for the demonstration at the meeting!
Rosalie was inspired at a Phoenix art show and wanted to try this new technique:
Rosalie also made a colourful patchwork:
….and two flannel quilts:
Natalie made this mini for a CQA challenge called “#trending”… it’s a smart phone with apps:
Natalie also made this baby quilt in a Maria Shell workshop:
Fay likes to try something new with each quilt she makes…. with this tulip quilt it was tiny piecing and hand quilting.
Michelle made this one for her daughter’s graduation gift, and hand dyed all the fabrics herself:
…this is the back, also hand dyed:
Sharon used ombre strips – she started out using the “jelly roll race” method, but all the similar colours ended up together…. the lesson learned was that “getting a random arrangement that you like is a random occurrence!”
Darlene realized she never used solids, and didn’t like yellow or orange, so she decided to make a quilt that incorporated all three!
The back of Darlene’s quilt:
Dawna made a pillow cover, and learned that it’s always a good idea to measure the pillow form first!
Netta won the summer block lotto and made this watermelon quilt:
….with a giant watermelon on the back:
Nicole’s mini for the MQG swap, an inside-out pineapple. She did the binding during the first half of the meeting and showed us the finished mini after the break!
Nicole also made this huge Jacob’s Ladder quilt, which has been on display at the McPherson Theatre for a few months:
 Chris’s swan quilt, featuring grunge fabrics:
 Chris’s elephant quilt for her neice:
Block lotto was won by Daria. This looks like the makings of a pretty quilt: