Block Lotto – July 2019

Loosen up with this Wonky Strip block – no points to match, yay! Dig out those black and white prints you’ve been wondering what to do with, grab some solid scraps and get making!


From your black and white prints, cut some wedge shaped strips that are at least 15” long and taper from 3” to no less than 1/2”. You will probably need about 7 strips per block. Have a variety of black on white, and white on black (NO CREAM, and no extra colours including grey!). Do the same with your solids, but you will only need 1 – 2 per block. 

Start randomly sewing some strips together. You don’t need to sew wide end to narrow end, just mix it up. (See photo). It looks better if you vary the tones. Throw in one or two solid “zingers” (no more, this is supposed to be mainly black and white). Sew, sew, sew, la, la, la, go to your happy place, 
Ryan Gosling, margaritas . . .ooops! You can stop when you are able to trim your block to 13” square. Press well, and trim to 13” square, making sure there is at least 1/2” on the edge before a join so you don’t have a bunch of bulk when the blocks are joined together. Ta da!  

Since you have all your scraps out, make a bunch more. As always, 1 block = one ticket. 
For more inspiration, go to and check out the quilt at the bottom of the page.

And here are four blocks set together 

Happy Sewing!