November Block Lotto
This month we have a star. I know there have been many stars before, but this is a new one, and with no measuring it is fast, easy, and visually effective. Sounds good, right? Rising Star, Improvised Terri Torke did a lovely symmetrical version of the rising star here, but this one is not symmetrical; for…
Read MoreNovember meeting
November meeting is on the 23rd
October 2017 show and share
Kari showed her unquilted top for the IG based New York Beauty mini swap. Ruth turned this reversible sequin t-shirt into a pillow for her granddaugher. And what the other side says. Judy made some Emmaline retreat bags. Rosalie’s riot of colour. Michelle made this for her adult son. The other side of the quilt.…
Read MoreOctober Block lotto
Ooh, It’s rainy out there! Totally makes you want to stay inside and sew:) This month’s block lotto is improv, but after finishing it I think it looks a bit like a backgammon board, so Backgammon Improv Block! My colour inspiration: Warm Palette, channeling warm thoughts. I found the idea for this one at .…
Read MoreDebbie Jeske trunk show
It took nearly two years but we did it! We finally got Debbie Jeske to come chat with us and share her amazing quilts. Debbie blogs at A Quilter’s Table, go here for her IG, and her monthly newsletter is always interesting. Debbie lives near Seattle and is a member of the Seattle MQG. She…
Read MoreSeptember 2017 show and share and Libs Elliott birthday challenge
Jo-Anne keeps the awesome improv coming! Pat R made a fun bag. Natalie modified this from a book. Kate’s awesome mini. Crin made this excellent enormous log cabin. And part of the back of Crin’s quilt. Next we had Anne, and Laura too, made loads of the Retreat Bag from Emmaline bags. It’s a free…
Read MoreSeptember Block Lotto
Fall is upon us! And that spooky month will be well on its way when you turn in this block. With that in mind, we are going with a Halloween themed block lotto. Spooky Eyes! Simply eyes on a black background This block is pretty much a free for all, be as creative or simple…
Read MoreSeptember meeting
Come join in the festivities,as we celebrate our 4th Birthday onThursday, September 21st from 7-9 pm. To help us celebrate our birthday, we welcome Debbie Jeske from Seattle, Washington. Debbie comes to us with over 30 years of sewing and quilting experience. She is a member of the Seattle Modern Quilt Guild and is followed…
Read MoreAugust meeting pictures: our new space, Jennifer Watson trunk show, and the usual!
Stacie welcomed us to our new space at the Royal Canadian Legion. A few homey touches, like our guild bunting. A keen crowd. More folks! This space is HUGE. With an elevator, and decent parking, and room to grow, and better lighting, and no ugly gold-with-tassles-valance-and-drape to upstage every picture, we like it already. Kari,…
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