What another great meeting we had on Thursday – we’re hitting our stride and getting better each month.
November BOM – Uneven Stacked Coins |
Thanks, as always go to Linda at Satin Moon for welcoming us and being such a great host.
We re-arranged the store and had so! much! room! And there were more than enough chairs too, so that was another improvement.
Membership officially opened at the meeting and we are well over thirty members already! Do you want to join us and get your very own snazzy membership pin?
We started the meeting with Guild Business: a report from each of the departments (Membership, Treasurer, Social Media, Secretary) before moving on to elections.
After calling for nominations from the floor, the executive was acclaimed.
Your 2014 MQG Victoria Executive:
L-R: Kari (Secretary), Stacie (Treasurer), Nicole (President), Heather (VP Membership), Bryan (VP Programs and Events) MISSING is Christine (Social Media Co-Ordinator) |
Bryan demonstrated the January block of the month, a Modern Delectable Mountains. Claiming inspiration from Tula Pink and Bonnie Hunter, here’s what he showed us:
Remember to use a SOLID white (any brand) and a MODERN print fabric!
There are lots of exciting things coming up:
- a future swap with the Fraser Valley MQG in April or May
- our name tag challenge for February – 1st and 2nd winners by viewer’s choice. (Click here for details)
- the 2014 Inaugural Guild Challenge sponsored by Robert Kaufman Fabrics was announced. (Click here for details)
We also had a guest join us for the second half of the meeting, Connie, the president and co-founder of the Corvallis, Oregon MQG.
Then we had Show and Share. This month we asked people when signing in to indicate if they wanted to show anything. This cut down on confusion later on and seemed to make the process go much smoother.
Ursula asked for suggestions on how to quilt her newest work. |
Barbara looking at the back of her wall hanging. |
Front of Barbara’s wall hanging, made with a package of batik turtles she picked up in Hawaii. |
Kathy’s awesome placemats. |
Kathy made them to match the dishes. |
Lois’ improv pieced twin quilt. |
Lois’ batik quilt. Apparently it made a big dent in her batik drawer! |
A table runner by Lois. |
A large and cheerful quilt featuring fabrics by Kaffe Fassett. This one put a big dent in her Kaffe fabrics! |
The back of the above quilt. |
Nicole’s Christmas tree quilt for her MIL. Designed by Nicole’s husband. |
Margo’s Amy Butler quilt. |
We had quite a few fabulous door prizes this month and we would like to thank:
Gala Fabrics
Sawyer’s Sewing Centre
Kaleidoscope Quilting
The Cloth Castle
Creative Quilting
Door prize demo! From Sawyer’s Sewing Centre. The handle lights up! |
New member Esther won all this month’s blocks. Happy sewing! |
Thanks to everyone who turned out for our January meeting.
Our next meeting is Thursday, February 20th at Satin Moon. See you then!
Looks like everything is going really well….so many wonderful quilts!!
One day we'll see your quilts at show and share!
Love that tree skirt!!!
Thanks Sarah! The colour is a bit OTT but it was fun (and quick!) to make.