For our June meeting our guest speaker/trunk show was the incredible Karlee Porter. She lives in Utah and we’re in Victoria so we used the fabulous technology available to us to see her quilts.
This is Karlee on our screen. Her background is a painted version of one of her quilts. |
The current block lotto, due back at the August meeting. |
And then it was time for show and share! Always popular, always amazing.
Kelly took the quilt as you go workshop with Marianne in March. Gorgeous fabrics, gorgeous quilt. |
Back of Kelly’s quilt. |
Linda from Satin Moon offered up hundreds of squares and blocks of batiks to be made into a quilt to send to Fort MacMurray. Netta, assisted by Daria and Kathryn, made this super size quilt in just ONE month. It has since been delivered to Fort Mac. Thank you Linda, Netta, Daria, and Kathryn! |
Netta used some interior design fabric gifted from a family member for the backing. |
Jay finished this quilt with blocks she received from a swap. |
And she included the signature blocks on the back. |
Lovely thread painting! Jay made this poppy “plant pounding” finished with thread painting. |
Rosalie and another colourful work. |
Rosalie made her own I spy polaroid quilt! |
Barbara’s snowmen quilt and we loved what she said about it: “It’s not modern, but it’s done, and now I can make the modern quilts.” Hurray for finishing it and hurray for modern quilts! |
Lois made this fabulous quilt. Great colour palette. |
Chris and a lovely baby quilt. She used Gwen Marson’s “Minimal Quiltmaking” from our library. |
Sorry again. This quilt is AWESOME whoever made it. |
Ruth’s Riley Blake fabric challenge. |
Cynthia’s improv hearts quilt. |
And the back! |
Kari’s Riley Blake fabric challenge. |
Stacie started this elongated triangles quilt in a workshop with Katie Pedersen at the VQG in March 2015. She pieced it together using Marianne Haak’s quilt as you go technique. And it’s finally finished. |
The back. |
Lois (L) and Chris (R) and their Riley Blake fabric challenge. |
Sarah was gifted this quilt anonymously at the meeting for her baby. Thank you mystery quilter! Our guild is growing one by one…Hudson Kenneth Chan was born on July 2nd. |
Well done everyone. See you at our picnic at Elk/Beaver lake, July 21st at 6pm. Potluck picnic!