May meeting announcements
- Voting runs until Friday night for the Blogger’s Quilt Festival. You can vote for your favourites in all these categories: Mini, Small, Large, Appliqué, Art, Hand Quilted, Home Machine Quilted, Modern, Original Design, ROYGBIV, Scrappy, Viewer’s Choice
This is an excellent chance to see a large number of mostly modern quilts and to check out some new-to-you blogs.
- We called for volunteers! Thank you if you’ve put your name forward to help; we will be in touch. We have one person who is willing to co-chair our booth at the Fibrations festival on August 16th. Please let us know if you too want to co-chair.
- Parksville Quilt Show is this weekend. Friday and Saturday – 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday – 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
- May sew-in is Friday night (this Friday night). Cloth Castle, 7-11pm. 10$ to hang out and sew/cut/chat about whatever you like. Email us to RSVP.
- PNW MQG “Black To White” Challenge details. Deadline to submit (electronically) is June 12th.
And because it’s boring without a picture, here are two of Krista’s quilts.

Thanks everyone for another great meeting and see you soon!