Pictures from our May meeting! Pour a cup of something to enjoy, we have many pictures.
We had a big crowd for our May meeting, looking forward to hearing Krista talk. |
And show and share!
Nicole made these three and quilted them all differently. |
Life. |
Ruth showing a nice arrangement of nine patches and HSTs. |
Laura tried out the quick curve ruler for a larger project. Apparently the ruler is a success! |
Chris S. showing a clean and crisp batik quilt. |
And the back. |
A few more bags from Chris. |
This bag is from Lois, and she did FMQ around the flowers. |
Lois’s entry for the recent “modern Victoria landscape” contest at Satin Moon. |
Two placemats from different sets from Lois. |
Monica’s improv/wonky crosses. Love the red border! |
Ursula showing a beautifully quilted butterfly mini quilt. |
Catherine quilted one of the charity quilts for us. She admitted later that she’s never quilted for someone else before. |
We’d say she knocked this one out of the park! Thanks Catherine! |
Jo-Anne’s newest quilt. |
And more great quilting! |
Bonnie-Lynne looking fabulous showing two simple bags she whipped up with fabric she bought on the Quilt Crawl we did in March. And psst, did you know that Bonnie-Lynne is a brand new quilter? It’s true! |
Netta with a colourful awesome quilt. |
Stacie with her awesome colourful quilt. It’s a Judy Niemeyer patter (no idea which one sorry) done in all Tula Pink fabric. This took a third place ribbon at the recent Westshore Guild show. |
Michele is an astronomer and made a supernova star quilt. |
And the back! |
And Sarah’s pointy quilt. No really, it’s called “Pointy”. |
Danica with some amazingly tiny appliqued circles. |
Sorry we don’t know who this is but we really really like your quilt. |
The circle quilting is super too. And we think it’s guest Kelly! |
And a pretty blue jay from Kelly. |
This? It’s not quite the hot mess it looks like. We brought back the display table for show and share, so that folks can take a closer look at intermission. |
Some of the notebook covers headed to the Vancouver MQG. We did a personalized swap with them, tailoring each one to a specific person.
And everyone holding up the covers they made. |
Then it was intermission or social time!
Krista signing her book. |
Browsing our fabulous library! |
Susan from Red Barn Quilting talking to Krista. |
Looking at Krista’s projects. |
Then it was time for our very special guest star, Krista Hennebury!
Krista first showed some slides, talking about “what is modern quilting” and then moved on to her own quilts and projects.
This is a treasured whole cloth quilt hand stitched by her mother. |
An early project from a Gee’s Bend class. |
From a nine-patch exchange. |
And the back, with graffiti fabric. |
A colourful mini quilt. |
The Christmas Scrappy trip around the world block lotto that Krista won at one of her own retreats. |
And the back. |
Krista’s Blackbird quilt. She told an interesting story about how it was received by the Canadian Quilter’s Association and by QuiltCon/the Modern Quilt Guild. It won 1st place in the Use of Negative Space category. |
The back. |
And then Krista moved on to the quilts and projects from her book.
The cover quilt, quilted by Krista Withers. |
Ruler/mat tote, designed by Berene Campbell. Berene also did our logo for us! |
Improv under the influence! Krista taught this workshop for our members. |
Same technique, different fabrics. |
We finished the evening by giving away some door prizes and we would like to thank our generous supporters and shops:
Capital Iron, Cloth Castle, Gala Fabrics, Satin Moon, Sawyer’s, Red Barn, Jennifer W, and Krista herself donated a tote for our door prizes, and her book to our library.
Thank you Lana for the photography!
And that is that! Join us for our next meeting, June 18th.