MQG Victoria Round Robin 2023
This years Round Robin is unlike other Round Robins you may have participated in!
The idea of this group project is to start a quilt with a centre block or row, then have other members of the guild add a section or round to it. At the December 2023 meeting each participant (Robin) will receive a quilt top completed by other members and it will be a complete surprise!
We are going for uninhibited, unstructured, pure quilters creativity here!! That means there will be:
- No set guidelines on how or what to add for each round
- No prompts or instructions for each round
- You are free to add to 1, 2, 3, or all 4 sides of the piece you receive (please DO add more than just a strip of fabric though!)
We start by making a centre block:
- It should be about 50 inch to 60 inch total perimeter (for example but not limited to: a 12 inch square, 10 x 15 inch rectangle, a 15 inch square or a 12 x 18 inch rectangle…you get the picture!)
That centre block is then put in a plain, unmarked brown paper grocery bag (extras provided if needed) to which you may add:
- Fabrics of your choice for others to work with. In previous years there have been bags with 3 fat quarters and other bags with 20 different fabrics. The fabric will stay with the bag and come back to you if not used on your quilt top. Robins are not required to use the fabric included but encouraged to be guided by those fabrics to keep the feel of the desired quilt top when adding from their own stash.
- A note stating 2 of your colour likes and a block or shape preference. This note is only a suggested guide, other Robins working on your quilt have the freedom to build as they think would be best. DO NOT SIGN YOUR NOTE!
- Return the bag/completed centre to our February 16th meeting.
This will be anonymous! Netta (our Robin in charge!) will number the bags and track who next gets which bag.
- For the next round the bag will also contain a fabric label for you to put your name on once you have completed a round.
- The beginning maker DOES NOT put their name on the label until the end to keep it anonymous.
- DO NOT post progress on social media, we want it to be kept secret!
- Additions are to be sewn on. Please DO NOT just make a block for later addition.
- Please DO use only quality quilting cottons and do your best work.
- Do as you would like done on your own quilt!
- Part of the fun is putting your starting block out there for other makers to shape and create into your quilt.
- Again…this is meant to be very free!
- Each maker can decide how they would like to add to your quilt using their creativity and imagination.
- Further inspiration can be found by searching online, Instagram hashtag: #roundrobinquilt or previous MQGV Round Robins – 2017 and 2018.
Participants will have 2 months to complete each round returning the completed addition in their bags to a guild meeting on the following schedule:
- February 16, 2023 – Centre Block
- April 20, 2023 – Completed Round 1
- June 15, 2023 – Completed Round 2
- August 17, 2023 – Completed Round 3
- October 19, 2023 – Completed Round 4
- December 2023 – Completed Round Robin and Reveal!
Netta will collect the bags at the designated meetings and redistribute for the next round.
Plan ahead! If you can’t make it to the meeting when your contribution is due (or have someone bring your bag in), or have not finished your round, you need to contact Netta at .
Remember – It is unfair to the other members of the group if your delay prevents someone else from getting their part done. Grace will be given if effort is made and your round just doesn’t get completed, one time. If a second failure happens you will be given your bag back and removed from the rotation.