Sept Block – Hexie Gems
This block comes to us in a roundabout way from the Kansas City MQG and the Missouri Star Quilt Co.

Supplies Needed:
1 piece of black Kona Cotton 12.5″ x 12.5″
4 pieces of coloured fabric measuring 3″ x 6″ (from the colour palette above)
WHITE thread
enough heat and bond (or similar) for the coloured fabrics
A ruler with 60 degree markings
1) Fuse all four strips onto your heat and bond, and then cut them apart
2) You are making a half a hexagon. Take one piece of coloured fabric and lay it on your cutting mat horizontally. Place the 60 degree mark on the bottom edge of your fabric, your ruler should be slanting the right. Line up the ruler so that left edge of it touches the bottom left corner of the fabric and keep the 60 degree mark on the bottom edge of the fabric. Cut off the corner that is now exposed in the top left of the fabric.
3) Now rotate your ruler so the the second 60 degree mark is on the bottom edge and the ruler is now slanted to the left, line it up so that the right edge of the ruler touches the bottom right corner of your fabric while the 60 degree line stays on the bottom edge of your fabric. Cut off the right upper corner.
4) You now have a half hexie. Repeat with the remaining 3 pieces.

5) Place two of the half hexies on one corner of your black fabric so that the long edge of the half hexies are touching the outside edge of the background fabric and the two upper corners of the half hexies (the 120 degree corners) are just touching, leaving a small triangular shape gap between them so that the background fabric peeks thru.
6) Fuse both half hexies in place.
7) Repeat steps 5-6 on the opposite corner.

8) Using a very short straight stitch, sew the three short side of each hexie down, you want to be about 1/8 of a inch from the edge of the hexie.
Your block is now complete. One block = one lotto ticket, so make one, make lots!
For more reference, check out the Youtube video for the whole quilt pattern. Our block is at 8:30 in the video.