Block Lotto – June 2019
JUNE BLOCK LOTTO DIRECTIONS – FLOATING PLUS This month with are “going dotty” with an easy Floating Plus sign block. It makes up quickly so you can get back to all your other fun outdoor activities like mowing the lawn and weeding the garden. These are also super easy to make two at a time…
Read MoreBlock Lotto – May 2019
Hello! Here are the much anticipated directions for the May block. Last month we had the cool colours of beach glass, but this month we are going Hot! Hot! Hot! Oh, I love this block and it looks even better joined in a quilt! Accuracy is definitely the key to success on this one. Have…
Read MoreIt’s the most wonderful time of the yeeeear!!
Its back baby…. and it’s back early. It’s our fifth annual MQG Victoria Garagesale coming up on June 20. Please read the following instructions, so the sale is enjoyable for everyone. BUYERS Every item for sale will be in a bag, along with an envelope. Bring lots of small change!! Since each item is…
Read MoreShow and Share – April 2019
Block Lotto – March 2019
TOTALLY TULIPS! Unfinished size: 9 ½” X 17 ½” Here’s your chance to break out those wild and crazy prints you’ve been wondering what to do with! This block is made up of two parts – the top “petals” are basically a four patch of 5” squares with snowballed corners. The bottom “leaves” are four…
Read MoreShow and Share – March 2019
Quilts shown by members this month: Lois learned about inset circles in Lorna Shapiro’s workshop, passed on her knowledge in a demo at a recent meeting, and now here’s a quilt she made using this technique. Ursula brought three pieces that she made in recent workshops: Anne loves to make baby quilts, here’s her latest!…
Read MoreQuilt Facing
Recently we had three great demonstrations by guild members on different binding techniques. Jo-Anne Allbutt showed how to do facings – binding that is completely hidden on the back of the quilt, often used for quilts that will hang on the wall. Here are her instructions: Supplies – 4 strips of fabric (measurements are based…
Read MoreShow and Share – February 2019
Lots of great quilts at the February meeting! Valerie Boode, who will be leading a workshop on English Paper Piecing on March 23, started things off by sharing some of her work: She also brought samples of the projects workshop participants can make: Then it was time for Show & Share, starting with Lois’s quilt,…
Read MoreEnglish Paper Piecing Workshop
Workshop: English Paper Piecing with Valerie Boode March 23, 2019 English Paper Piecing is a hand sewing technique that has been used for centuries to create lovely mosaic quilts, and has had a surge in popularity recently. In this class participants will make a small project to get a feel for the technique… this can…
Read MoreShow and Share – January 2019
Here are the quilts shown at the January meeting by members! Natalie made blocks for an Instagram swap, with a theme of trees, lakes and mountains. Lois showed us two quilts, this blue and gray… …and a low volume improv quilt A sweet quilt by Ann… Ann also made this one, using blocks and fabric…
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